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Malagasy Góspel Dreaming África Gira 2023


To benefit the Musical Socio-Educational Reception Center
Fundation Agua de Coco en Madagascar


November 30, 7:30 pm ·SALA ITURBI · Paseo de la Alameda 30. 46023 València

Malagasy Gospel + Kilema concert with the collaboration of Depedro
To benefit the Musical Socio-Educational Reception Center
Fundation Agua de Coco en Madagascar

The new Malagasy Gospel is a musical group made up of 12 choir voices, the solo voice of Harrys, with the collaboration of Kilema, an artist from Madagascar based in Spain and Depedro, a Spanish artist with a long career and international recognition. Andreu Soler pianist, composer and Valencian choir director. And the invaluable participation of the choirs of the Federació d'Entitats Chorals Infantiles- Juvenils CV ( Xiquets Cantors DIVISI,, scola Coral de L'Eliana, Escola Les Carolines, Choral Minicantores (PCV), Choral Escuelas San José Jesuitas) Adult choirs ( Cor Veus del Túria, SEELE Choir of the German School of Valencia, Choir of the Official Language School of Valencia, Choir of the Musical Corporation of Pobla de Vallbona, Choir of San Antonio de Benagéber and Choir of Alegría).

The new Malagasy Gospel is a musical group made up of 12 choir voices, the solo voice of Harrys, with the collaboration of Kilema, an artist from Madagascar based in Spain and Depedro, a Spanish artist with a long career and international recognition.
A total of 12 Malagasy, Spanish and international songs, most of them a cappella or with musical accompaniment of traditional instruments, tell us about their daily life in the south of Madagascar, child exploitation, children's rights or the situation of their lives. As well as several songs from Depedro's repertoire.

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Malagasy Góspel Dreaming África Gira 2023

Date: 30 November
Time: 19:30
Price: 12 €

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